External Reporting Advisory Panel

The External Reporting Advisory Panel (XRAP) provides a forum where the three XRB Boards can consult with individuals and representatives of organisations affected by their work. 

The XRAP ensures stakeholder views are heard in the standard-setting process and acts as a "champion” for stakeholders. 

The XRAP operates independently of the XRB Boards. It meets twice a year, usually in March and September, and provides input into XRB projects when appropriate.

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Craig Fisher FCA

Craig is a Consultant with Kea New Zealand Limited specialising in governance, strategy, audit and assurance advice, and with a strong interest in the sustainability of impactful organisations. He is also an Associate with BoardWorks Aotearoa.

A former audit partner and chair of accounting firm RSM, Craig is a recognised specialist in the not-for-profit and charitable sector, has a strong interest in good governance, and holds a range of governance roles. He is independent Risk Assurance and Audit Committee Chair of Ngati Whatua Orakei, Chairman of the Fred Hollows Foundation New Zealand, and a trustee of the Wise Trust.

Craig has a long history in standard setting including serving on the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (NZAuASB) from its inception until 30 June 2020. He has represented New Zealand internationally in assurance and ethical standard-setting matters.

Other current members of the XRAP

  • Darren Beatty, Head CFO, Rūnanga Ngāi Tahu
  • Katie Beith, Head of ESG, Forsyth Barr
  • Simon Brotherton, EY Auckland
  • Mike Burrell, Executive Director, Sustainable Business Council NZ
  • Andy Fulbrook, CFO, Ministry of Justice
  • Peter Gudsell,  CFO, Southern Cross Healthcare
  • Rick Jones, Country Head for CPA Australia
  • Steven Moe, Partner, Parry Field Lawyers
  • Greg Munford, Senior Investment Strategist Responsible Investment, New Zealand Super Fund
  • Fiona Oliver, Non-executive Director
  • Zowie Pateman, Deputy Leader Reporting and Assurance, CA ANZ
  • Kirsten (KP) Patterson, CE, Institute of Directors 
  • Tom Scott, Professor of Accounting, Auckland University of Technology
  • Ruth Tolise, representing the NZ Shareholders' Association
  • Cameron Town, Audit Partner, Silks Audit, Whanganui
  • Joost van Amelsfort, CEO, NZ RegCo
  • Rachel Walsh, Non-executive Director
  • Rickey Ward, Head of Investment Strategy Group, JBWere
  • Simon Wilkins, KPMG Auckland